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What do you want from me?

The recognition that there may not be a one size fits all approach to education, or that there are those who may not benefit from structured institutional learning is where we’re really going to see changes in the next century I think.

Yes we’ll likely have those kindergartens, schools and universities for some time to come, but surely we’re more aware of these places as the businesses they are not necessarily always with the outcome that is desired from students.

Would you say that the debt you accrued during your bachelors degree was money well spent? Or could you have found an avenue for that education elsewhere, perhaps whilst building your own business or gaining invaluable workforce experience?

I’m not claiming to know it all, I’m just a disgruntled consumer who thought I needed these things moving forward. But maybe my life would’ve been different if I’d gone another route.

Perhaps you would as well.

Certainly as a creative who wanted to know more about the creative process I thought this was the best avenue for me, but the realisation that a BFA wasn’t opening the doors I had anticipated made me think of others who might be in the same boat.

What is it that You want to learn?